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Russia and US in secret talks to fight net crime

"American officials have been holding secret talks with Russia and the United Nations in an attempt to strengthen internet security and rein in the growing threat of cyberwarfare."

Category: Weapons, Communications


More drivers using mobile phones since penalty change

"More drivers are using hand-held mobile phones than before tougher penalties were introduced two years ago, the Transport Research Laboratory has said."


UK's Vista telescope takes stunning images of space

"The first images have been revealed from a telescope that can map the sky much faster and deeper than any other."

Category: Space


UK to have dedicated space agency

"The new organisation is expected to have a budget and will represent the UK in all its dealings with international partners. "

Category: Space


Emissions 'higher than reported'

"Emissions of some greenhouse gases are substantially higher than companies and countries report, say scientists."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 831 to 835 out of 2977